Authority for
the call or notice is published, and the persons shall
be named therein who are to act as judges of the
election at each poll where such election is to be
holden, and the said persons shall be legal voters of
the ward for which they are named; said notice
shall likewise declare the qualifications of the per-
sons to vote at such elections, provided that such
prescribed qualifications shall not be inconsistent
with those expressed in this act.
SEC..... Be it enacted, That the notice required
by section one of this act shall be published in some
newspaper or newspapers of general circulation,
How published
printed in the city for which the election is called,
and shall be posted in at least three public places
in the ward in which such elections are to be held,
at least five days prior thereto.
SEC..... Be it enacted, That any voluntary politi-
cal association or party in the city of Baltimore
that shall elect to invoke the protection and subject
Elect to in-
itself to the provisions of this act, shall at the time
voke protec-
of publication of notice provided for in section one
of this act, declare that such election therein called
will be held in pursuance of and subject to the
provisions of this act, under the provisions of the
Code of Public Local Laws, relating to primary
elections; and in the event such notice last aforesaid
shall be published, and not otherwise, the provi-
sions of this act shall be applicable and in force in
respect to said election.
SEC..... Be it enacted, That at least three days
before the holding of any election, as provided by
section first of this act, the delegates to the city
convention of each ward of Baltimore city shall
appoint three persons to act as the judges of the
election, which judges shall be selected impartially
from among the friends of each candidate seeking a
nomination as far as it is possible to do so, and two
persons as clerks of the election, which clerks shall
rep'resent, as nearly as possible, the interests of
opposing candidates, be above the age of twenty-
one years, and shall enter the names of voters,
separately and plainly, on books provided for that
purpose, at each place for the holding of such elec-
tion; and if at the place appointed for the holding
of any such election, and within ten minutes after
the time fixed for beginning the same, any one or