Treasurer for the payment of each investment
herein provided to be made.
SEC. 9. And be it enacted, That no further certifi-
cates of debt shall be issued under the act of eigh-
Not to issue
certicates of
teen hundred and sixty-eight, chapter two hundred
and thirty-five.
SEC. 10. And be it enacted, That in advertising
this loan aforesaid, the Governor, Comptroller and
Treasurer, or a majority of them, shall cause to be
What to pub-
published at the same time as part of each adver-
tisement, section seven of this act, under the proper
title and number of this act.
SEC. 11. And be it enacted, That this act shall
take effect from the date of its passage.
Approved May 3, 1882.
Chapter 290.
AN ACT to Protect the Election of Voluntary
Political Associations, and to Punish Frauds
therein, by adding certain sections to the Code of
Public Local Laws, article four, title " City of
Baltimore," under the new sub-title "Primary
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assem-
bly of Maryland, That the following sections be
Sections added
added to the Code of Public Local Laws, article
four, title "City of Baltimore," under the new sub-
title ''Primary Elections."
SEC. Be it enacted, That all elections hereafter
to be holden by any voluntary political association
or party in the city of Baltimore, for any delegates
or managing committee, or for the nomination of
candidates for public officers, may be called or
Voluntary po-
litical associa-
ordered by published notice upon a vote of a major-
ity of the executive committee of such political
association or party for the city of Baltimore, which
may elect to accept the provisions of this act; said
notice shall state the purpose, time, manner and
conditions, together with the place or places of
holding such elections, also the authority by which