more of the judges so appointed shall fail to appear,
or appearing fail to qualify as provided in the next
section, the other judges or judge present and quali-
fied shall appoint some other person or persons of
good character and having the qualifications in this
Failure to ap-
sub-title stated, to act as judge or judges of such
election, so that there shall always be three judges
of such election; and if one or both of said clerks
shall fail to appear or qualify within the time afore-
said, the judges of the election shall elect one or
both clerks as the case may be, having the qualifi-
cations in this section stated, and qualify them to
act as such.
SEC..... Be it enacted, That each person named
as judge of the election in the notice required by
section one of this act, or any person in his absence
or refusal to serve, chosen to be such judge of the
election aforesaid, and each clerk of the election,
shall first be sworn or aflinned by some officer
authorized to administer oaths, that he is a legal
voter of the ward in which such election is to be
held; that he will correctly and faithfully conduct
such election, protect it against all frauds and un-
Judges and
fairness, carefully and truly canvass all votes cast
clerks to be
thereat, in such manner as may be required by the
authority appointing the election; any violation of
the provisions of tin's section shall be deemed a mis-
demeanor, and shall, on conviction, subject the
offender to punishment by fine, not less than fifty
nor more than two hundred dollars, or by imprison-
ment in the jail of the city of Baltimore or the
House of Correction, not loss than one nor more
than six months, or both such fine and imprison-
SEC......Be it enacted, That at all elections held
under this act, immediately before any ballot or
ballots are received by the judges of election, the
said judges shall open or unlock every ballot-box
used or to be used in such elections, and permit a'ny
Open ballot
candidate or candidates, or any person demanding
it, to examine said ballot-box until he is satisfied of
the structure thereof, and that there is, at the com-
mencement of receiving ballots, no ballots therein ;
and that every candidate or candidates, or such per-
sons being voters in their respective polling places,
and not to exceed six in number at any one polling