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Session Laws, 1882 Special Session
Volume 418, Page 354   View pdf image (33K)
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their successors shall be elected; and other meet-


ings may be called of the stockholders by the presi-


dent and directors, or a majority of them, according


to such rules as may be adopted by the by-laws of


said company; and the board of directors may meet


as often as may be necessary for the transaction of


the business of the company.


SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That the capital stock

Capital stock.

of said company shall not exceed fifty thousand


dollars, and shall be divided into two thousand


shares of twenty-five dollars each, and that the sums


so subscribed for the stock of said company shall be


paid to the president and directors aforesaid, in such


instalments and at such times as they may appoint


and require; and if any person shall neglect or fail


to pay any instalment or part of said subscription


thus demanded for the space of twenty days next


after the time the same shall be due and payable,


the stock on which it is demanded shall, at the

Forfeiture of

pleasure of said president and directors, be forfeited


to the company and sold for its benefit; but the said


president and directors may remit such forfeiture,


or recover in the name of the company such instal-


ments by suit or action at law, or in such other way


and upon such terms as they may deem proper.


SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That the company


hereby incorporated shall have the power to make

Single or dou-

and construct a railway with single or double track

ble track.

and sidings as they may deem expedient for the


transportation of passengers by horse power from


the Cedar Hill Cemetery, in Anne Arundel county,


beginning for the same on the county road leading


southerly from the bridge over the Patapsco river,


between said county and Baltimore city, known as the


Light street bridge, at a point opposite the gateway


or entrance of the Cedar Hill Cemetery, and run-


ning thence northerly along and upon the bed of said


county read to the southern terminus of Light street


bridge; thence northerly along and upon said bridge


to the northernmost terminus thereof; thence still


northerly by way of the road now used for public


travel to connect with the southern terminus of the


Baltimore City Passenger Railway on Marshall


street, in Baltimore city, or to such other place or


places as may be deemed most advantageous to tho


interests of the company; provided, however, that

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Session Laws, 1882 Special Session
Volume 418, Page 354   View pdf image (33K)
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