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Session Laws, 1882 Special Session
Volume 418, Page 349   View pdf image
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executed by herself in proper form of law, as fully


as if she had attained full age.


SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this act shall take


effect from the date of its passage.


Approved April 3, 1882,


Chapter 223.


AN ACT to authorize the Baltimore and Ohio


Railroad Company, in the construction of its


Philadelphia Branch, to cross other railroads, and


to regulate the mode of crossing the Tide-water


Canal and the Susquehanna River by said Phila-


delphia Branch.


SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assem-


bly of Maryland, That the Baltimore and Ohio


Railroad Company, in the construction of its Phila-


delphia Branch, shall be and is hereby authorized

Authorized to

to cross at, under or above grade any railroad or


railroads now or hereafter constructed; and if said


Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company cannot


agree with the company or companies owning and


operating such railroad or railroads as to the com-


pensation and terms upon which said crossing or


crossings shall be made, then the said Baltimore and


Ohio Railroad Company may condemn the easement

Condemn ease-

of such crossing or crossings in the same mode pre-


scribed for the condemnation of lands of individuals


by the act incorporating said Baltimore and Ohio


Railroad Company, and the amendments thereof,


and supplements thereto, and under which the lands


of individuals necessary for said Philadelphia Branch.


are to be condemned; provided that if any of said


crossings shall be at grade, then said Baltimore and


Ohio Railroad Company shall at its own expense


erect a proper signal station at such crossings, and

Erect signal

keep a watchman thereat, and the trains of the com-


pany owning or operating the said road so crossed


at grade shall have, precedence over the trains of


the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company run upon


the said Philadelphia branch; and, provided further,


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Session Laws, 1882 Special Session
Volume 418, Page 349   View pdf image
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