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Session Laws, 1882 Special Session
Volume 418, Page 348   View pdf image (33K)
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porating said company; provided nothing in this


act shall authorize said Bachman Valley Railroad

Not to cross

Company in making its said extension to Westmin-

at grade.

ster as aforesaid, to cross the road or tracks of the


Western Maryland Railroad Company at grade.


SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That said company


shall commence the construction of said extension

Time of com-

within one year, and complete the same within five


years after the passage of this act; and said com-


pany is hereby authorized to increase its capital


stock to such amount as the president and directors


may determine, is necessary in order to construct


said extension and fully equip said railroad; said


company is further authorized from time to time to

Issue bonds.

issue bonds of said company to such an amount as


the president and directors may deem necessary for


any of the purposes of said company, either in the


construction of said extension or the equipment of


said railroad or otherwise, said bonds may bear any


rate of interest not exceeding six per cent, per


annum, payable semi annually or otherwise, and


may be secured by mortgage conveying the fran-


chises, railroad rolling stock and other property of


said company acquired or to be acquired, or any


part thereof.


SEC. 4. Be it enacted, That this act shall take


effect from the date of its passage.


Approved March 30, 1882.


Chapter 222.


AN ACT to authorize and empower Catharine


Vardy, a minor, to sell and convey her leasehold


interest in a certain house in Baltimore city.


SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assem-


bly of Maryland, That Catharine Vardy, of Balti-


more city, a minor, be and she is hereby authorized

Authorized to

to sell her one-third leasehold interest in a house


and lot on South Washington street. Baltimore city,


to any purchaser or purchasers, and to give a good


and sufficient title thereto by a deed or otherwise,

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Session Laws, 1882 Special Session
Volume 418, Page 348   View pdf image (33K)
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