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Session Laws, 1882 Special Session
Volume 418, Page 350   View pdf image (33K)
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that if said crossings shall be under or over grade,


they shall be so constructed by said Baltimore and


Ohio Railroad Company as not to interfere with the

Crossings how-

passage of trains under or over the same by the com-


pany or companies operating the railroad so crossed


by the Philadelphia branch. aforesaid, and said com-


pany, before constructing any bridge across the


Susquehanna river or tide water canal, shall first


receive the approval of the board of public works of


the plan and character of bridge to be constructed ;


and said board shall be authorized to prescribe all


necessary conditions for the construction and use


of said bridge so as not to impede navigation; and


said company shall be, and it is hereby required to


stop every local or accommodation passenger train


passing over said bridge constructed over the Sus-


quehanna river, at each end thereof, long enough for


passengers to get on and off said train; and it shall


be, and it is hereby required to allow all persons to

Pass over

pass over said bridge on said trains free of charge;

bridge free of

and, provided further, that a crossing at grade over


the tracks of the Philadelphia, Wilmington and


Baltimore Railroad Company shall not be made


without the consent of said company, if a crossing of


the said tracks at an overgrade or at an undergrade is


reasonably practicable, and the practicability of an


under or overgrade crossing shall be determined by


the Circuit Court for the county or city in which


such crossing of the tracks of the Philadelphia, Wil-


mington and Baltimore Railroad Company is sought


to be made; and if the court shall be of opinion that


no other than a grade crossing is reasonably prac-


ticable at the point designated for said crossing by


the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company, but


shall be of opinion that an overgrade or undergrade


crossing is reasonably practicable at some other

Court to desig-

point, then the said court shall designate and deter-

nate point of

mine the point and mode of crossing, and either


party may appeal within twenty days from the


determination of the said Circuit Court in the said


matter to the Court of Appeals, and up, n the entry


of said appeal, the clerk shall forthwith send to the


Court of Appeals a transcript of the record, including


therein a statement of the evidence taken in the


court below, certified to be a correct statement


thereof by the said court, and the Court of Appeals

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Session Laws, 1882 Special Session
Volume 418, Page 350   View pdf image (33K)
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