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Session Laws, 1882 Special Session
Volume 418, Page 345   View pdf image (33K)
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of said city at a general election for Mayor and

After public

members of the City Council, as provided by this


act, after twenty days' public notice, or the said


City Council may order a special election for this


purpose by giving the aforesaid notice, and in the


event of a majority of the legal voters assenting


thereto, then said sale of real estate may be made.




enacted, That it shall be the duty cf the treasurer,


after first having filed such bond as the council may


require, to take charge of all monies, bonds, notes,

Duty of trea-

and all other securities belonging to said city. He


shall make a statement of the condition of the


finances of said city to the Mayor and City Council


whenever called upon to do so. He shall pay out


no monies without an order of the City Council,


approved by the Mayor.


SECTION NINETEEN (XIX) A. And be it enacted,


after the proceedings required by the preceding


section shall have been had, if the said taxes are not


then paid, the bailiff shall levy upon any property

Levy upon

of the delinquent; and after giving twenty days'


notice of the time and place of sale by advertisement


in at least one newspaper in the city of Havre de


Grace, and if none be published there, then in at


least one newspaper published in the county of Har-


ford, and by notice stuck up at the City Hall, he


shall then, agreeable to said advertisement and notice,


either on the premises or at the door of the city hall


of Havre de Grace proceed to sell by public auction

Sell by auction

the property so levied on for cash to the highest


bidder, retaining out of the proceeds of such sales


the amount of taxes due from such delinquent with


interest thereon, together with all the costs incurred


in making the sale and paying the surplus, if there


be any, to the owner thereof.


SECTION NINETEEN (XIX) B. And be it enacted,


That the real estate of a delinquent tax payer may


be sold to pay city taxes, whether there be personal


property or not, the bailiff complying with the pro-


visions of the two preceding sections.


SECTION NINETEEN (XIX). C. And be it enacted,


In all cases where lands held in fee simple or by

Report sale.

lease shall be sold for payment of taxes in arrears,


according to the provisions of the existing laws, it


shall be the duty of the bailiff to report the said sale,


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Session Laws, 1882 Special Session
Volume 418, Page 345   View pdf image (33K)
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