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Session Laws, 1882 Special Session
Volume 418, Page 346   View pdf image (33K)
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together with all the proceedings had in relation


thereto, to the Circuit Court for Harford county,

Examine pro-

and the court shall examine said proceedings, and if


the same appear to be regular and the provisions of


law in relation thereto have been complied with,


shall order notice to be given by advertisement in


one weekly newspaper published in said county,


warning all persons interested in the property sold


to be and appear on a certain day in the said notice


to be named, to show cause, if any they have, why


said sale should not be ratified and confirmed, and


if no cause or an insufficient cause be shown against

Sale to be

the said ratification, the said sale shall by order of


said court be ratified and confirmed, and the pur-


chasers shall on payment of the purchase money


have a good title to the property sold; but if a good


cause in the judgment of the said court be shown in


the premises, the said sale shall he set aside, in which


case the said bailiff shall proceed to a new sale of


the property and bring the proceeds into court, out


of which the purchaser shall be repaid the purchase


money paid by him to the bailiff on said rejected


sale, and all taxes assessed on said real estate and


paid by said purchaser since said sale, and all costs


and expenses properly incurred in the said court,


with interest, and all such sums from the time of


payment; and if the purchaser has not paid the

How to apply.

purchase money or the subsequent taxes, to apply
said proceeds to the payment of the taxes for which


said real property may have been sold and all sub-


sequent taxes thereon then in arrears, with interest


on the same according to law and the costs of the


proceedings; but such sale shall not be set aside if


the provisions of law shall appear to have been sub-


stantially complied with and the burden of proof


shall be on the cxceptant to show the same to be in-


valid under the law.


SECTION NINETEEN (XIX) D. And be it enacted.


Whenever real estate shall bo sold by the bailiff, the


owner thereof, prior to the sale, may redeem the

Owner may

same by paying into court, to be paid to the pur-


chaser thereof within the period of twelve calendar


months from the date of such sale, the amount of


the purchase money, with interest thereon at the


rate of fifteen per cent, per annum from the date


of the sale.

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Session Laws, 1882 Special Session
Volume 418, Page 346   View pdf image (33K)
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