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Session Laws, 1882 Special Session
Volume 418, Page 344   View pdf image (33K)
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How far re-

repealed to the extent of such inconsistency, so far


as they relate to the city of Baltimore, but not oth-




Approved April 3, 1882.


Chapter 220.


AN ACT to repeal section one and section thirty-


seven, chapter four hundred and forty, act of


Assembly (1878), eighteen hundred and seventy-


eight, entitled "An Act to incorporate the town of


Havre de Grace, in Harford county, by the name


of the city of Havre de Grace," and to re-enact


the same with amendments, and to add additional


sections thereto, to be known as sub-sections nine-


teen (XIX A), nineteen (XIX B), nineteen (XIX


C), and (XIX D.)


Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-


land, That sections one (I) and thirty-seven


(XXXVII), chapter four hundred and forty (440),


act of eighteen hundred and seventy-eight (1878), to

Repealed and

incorporate the town of Havre de Grace by the


name of the city of Havre de Grace, be and the


same are hereby repealed and re-enacted so as to


read as follows, and to add thereto additional sec-


tions, to be known as sub-sections nineteen A, nine-


teen B, nineteen C, and nineteen D:


SECTION 1. Be it enacted, That the town of


Havre de Grace, in Harford county, shall be and is

Created into

hereby created into a city by the name of the city

a city.

of Havre de Grace, and the inhabitants thereof


shall constitute a body politic and corporate under


the name of the Mayor and City Council of Havre


de Grace, and as such shall have succession, and by


such name may sue and be sued, may have and use


a common seal, which may be altered at pleasure,


and may purchase and hold real, personal and mixed


property, or dispose of the same for the benefit of


the said city; provided that the alienation of such

Submit to

real property shall first be submitted to the voters

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Session Laws, 1882 Special Session
Volume 418, Page 344   View pdf image (33K)
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