and thence running and binding with said river to
the place of beginning.
33. The Board of Town Commissioners elected
next after the adoption of this act shall have the
said town as enlarged by and described in the pre-
Have sur-
ceding section, surveyed by the county surveyor, and
a plat made of the same, which shall he recorded in
the office of the clerk of the Circuit Court for said
county among the land records thereof.
84. That nothing contained in this act shall be
construed to impose upon said town or the inhab-
itants thereof the obligation of maintaining and
keeping in repair the bridge connecting East and
How con-
West Cambridge, but the Commissioners for .Dor-
chester county shall have, maintain and control the
same; provided, however, that said Town Commis-
sioners shall preserve order on, and have and possess
police jurisdiction over said bridge or bridges as
fully and in all respects as over other portions of
said town.
35. The said town shall be divided into five wards,
Wards- how
which shall be bounded as follows, to wit:
First Ward. Beginning for the first ward at the
foot of Gay street, and running and binding with
the cresk and Choptank river (including the long
wharf) to the beginning boundary of the said town
First ward.
on said river, and running and binding with the
northwestern line, of said town to Glasgow street
extended (Hambrook's road); thence with Glasgow
street to High street, to Court lane, and thence to
the place of beginning.
Second Ward. Beginning for the second ward
at the corner of High and Glasgow streets; thence
with High to Fine street; thence with Pine to
Washington; thence with Pine street extended in
a straight line to the southern limits of said town;
Second ward.
thence with said southern line to the western boun-
dary of the town; thence with the northwestern
line of the said town to Glasgow street; and thence
with Glasgow street to the place of beginning.
Third Ward. Beginning for the third ward at
the foot of Gay street; thence with Court lane to
High street; thence with High to Pine street ;
Third ward.
thence with Pine to Muir street; thence with Muir
to the creek; thence running down and binding
with the creek to the place of beginning.