the purposes aforesaid, and for the repair and reno-
vation of any of said works.
SEC. 7. And be it enacted, That the president and
directors of said corporation, or a majority of them,
or any agent or agents authorized by them, may
Agree with
agree with the owner or owners of any land, rever-
sions, remainders, terms for years, improvements,
ways, appurtenances, materials or other property
which may be hereafter wanted for any of the ob-
jects hereinbefore stated for the purchase, use and
occupation of the same, and if they cannot agree,
or if the owner or owners of any of them is an in-
fant, feme covert, non compos mentis, non-resident,
or out of said city of Baltimore when any of the
property aforesaid may be wanted, or for any cause
Legal incapa-
be legally incapable of contracting, application may
be made by said corporation, hereby chartered, to
any justice of the peace of the State of Maryland
for said city of Baltimore, who shall thereupon issue
his warrant, under his hand and seal, to the sheriff
of the city of Baltimore, requiring him to summon
Summon jury.
a jury of twenty of the inhabitants of said city,
above the age of twenty-one years, not related to
the parties or interested, to meet on the land or
near the improvements, materials or other property
wanted, on a day to be named in said warrant, not
less than ten nor more than twenty days after issu-
ing the same; and if any of the said jurors sum-
moned do not attend at said time and place, or
should not be qualified to act as such jurors, said
sheriff shall immediately summon as many jurors,
as with the jurors in attendance and qualified to act,
shall furnish a panel of twenty jurors in attendance,
and from said panel each party, his, her, its or their
agent or attorney, or either, be riot present in per-
son or by agent or attorney, or being present refuses
to strike, the sheriff for him, her, its or them may
strike off four jurors, and the remaining twelve shall
act as the jury of inquest of damages, and to each,
before he acts as such juror, the sheriff shall admin-
Oath or affirm-
ister an oath or affirmation that he will justly and
impartially value the land, improvements, materials
or other property to be taken, and the other dam-
ages which the owner or owners will sustain by the
taking of the same by said corporation for its uses,
and they shall estimate and determine what damages