SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That the said corpo-
ration shall be capable in law of purchasing, hold-
Capable in law
ing, selling, leasing and conveying estates and prop-
erty, real and personal, as freely and fully, and with
the like freedom from any claims or title of reverter
therein, as any natural person may; and may sue and
Sue in corpo-
be sued in said corporate name, and have and use a
rate name.
common seal, and alter and renew the same at
pleasure; and shall have and enjoy, and may exercise,
all the powers, rights and privileges which any other
corporate bodies possess, or may exercise, for the
uses and purposes stated in this act.
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That the affairs of the
said company shall be managed by a board of tive
directors, who shall serve for two years and until
Board of
the selection and qualification of their successors;
the corporators named in the first section of this act
shall be the directors to serve for the first year and
until the selection and qualification of their succes-
sors; to continue the succession of such board of
directors, persons who need not be stockholders shall
be chosen or appointed biennially in such manner
and by such authority as may be provided by the
by-laws of the said corporation; said directors shall
have authority to select a president and any other
Select presi-
officers, to be provided for by such by-laws, from
among their own number or otherwise; and the said
directors, or a majority of them, may make and pass
all by-laws, not contrary to law, to regulate any
affairs of said company.
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That said corporation
is hereby invested with all powers necessary and
Invested with
convenient for the acquisition of such land and
other property, personal as well as real, in the city
of Baltimore or in the vicinity of it, as the said
president and directors, or a majority of them, shall
deem necessary, to provide ample yards and depot
and other terminal facilities for the business of the
Western Maryland Railroad Company, and the erec-
tion of the necessary structures thereon, and the
laying of rails thereon, and the connection of the
same with all tracks in use by the said railroad com-
pany, and to make all necessary or convenient con-
tracts for the purchase, leasing and acquisition in
any manner of any land, property and materials for