Chapter 195.
AN ACT to empower the Agricultural Society of
Baltimore county to protect their grounds by
appointing special constables for the same.
WHEREAS a number of persons have formed an
association for the advancement of agricultural and
mechanical pursuits in Baltimore county, and are
now incorporated under the general act of incorpo-
ration of the State of Maryland; therefore —
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assem-
bly of Maryland, That for the purpose of preserv-
ing order, enforcing the rules and regulations of
the said corporation not inconsistent with the laws
of this State, and the protection of property, the
several justices of the peace in Baltimore county
be and they are hereby authorized and empowered,
upon the request of the president of the board of
Detail consta-
managers of said association, to summon and detail,
bulary force.
in the name of the State of Maryland, such con-
stabulary force as they may deem sufficient for the
perfect preservation of peace and order, the protec-
tion of property, and the full enforcement of the
rules and regulations aforesaid, during any fair or
exhibition of said corporation, and upon and around
the grounds belonging to or controlled by the same,
which detailed force aforesaid shall have and exer-
Powers and
cise the same powers and authority as the several
constables in this State now have as conservators of
the peace.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That any person or
persons who shall knowingly and wilfully violate
any of the provisions of this act, or any of the by-