laws, rules, regulations or other enactments of the
said association not inconsistent with the laws of
this State, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor,
and upon conviction thereof before any justice of
Penalty for
the peace of said county, each and every person so
offending shall be fined by said justice of the peace
a sum not less than one dollar nor more than live
dollars for the first offence, and not less than five
dollars nor more than twenty dollars for each and
every offence committed thereafter; and upon the
failure cf any persons to pay the said fines, together
with all the cost attending their arrest and convic-
tion, the justice of the peace before whom the same
be tried shall commit them to the county jail in
Commit to
said county until the said fine and costs are paid.
county jail.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That all fines imposed
and collected under and in accordance with this act
shall be paid to the treasurer of the Board of
whom paid.
School Commissioners of Baltimore county, for the
use and benefit of the public schools in said county.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That all persons
summoned and detailed in accordance with the first
section of this act, shall be known, recognized and
respected as " special constables," and shall have
Special con-
full power, authority and jurisdiction in the dis-
charge of their several duties within the fairgrounds
and other enclosures belonging to and controlled by
the said corporation, and also within the distance of
one-half mile beyond and surrounding said grounds
and enclosures; and the said special constables shall
arrest all disorderly persons within their said juris-
Arrest disor-
derly persons.
diction whom they shall find disturbing the peace,
in any manner interrupting the conduct and progress
of any fair or exhibition, or violating any of the
provisions of this act or the by laws, rules and regu-
lations of the said association, and shall take the
said violators before some justice of the peace of
the said county to be tried and fined in accordance
with the second section of this act; and the said
special constables and justices of the peace shall
receive for issuing and serving all processes under
this act the same fees that the said justices of the
peace and the constables in this State are now enti-
tled to receive for like service.
SEC. 5. And be it enacted. That the said presi-
dent of the board of managers of the said associa-