thereby be debarred from any benefit or advantage
Debarred from
from his or her insurance, until the same is paid;
and in case any loss or damage by fire is sustained
by any delinquent member between the time said
interest is payable and the payment thereof, such
loss or damage shall not be remunerated nor paid by
the said company, but the operation and effect of
said delinquent member's policy shall be suspended
until all arrears of interest are duly paid; and if
any member, for the space of thirty days after de-
mand of the same by any collector duly authorized
by the president and directors, shall neglect or re-
fuse to pay the sum assessed upon his or her propor-
tion of any loss for which the said corporation is
legally bound, the directors shall, in the name of
said corporation, sue for and recover the whole
May sue for.
amount of his or her deposit note, with costs of suit,
and the amount thus collected shall remain in the
treasury of said corporation until the next annual
meeting, when, if any balance remain, it shall be
returned to the party from whom it was collected ;
and said delinquent member shall in the meantime
be excluded from any benefit of his own insurance;
and no loss which said delinquent may sustain after
his said failure to pay his proportion of loss assessed
upon him as above mentioned, within thirty days
from demand as aforesaid, shall be remunerated or
made good by the said corporation, but said act of
delinquency shall operate as an expulsion of said
member from the said corporation; and such ex-
pelled member shall not be again admitted unless
by a vote of two thirds of the board of directors and
upon full payment of all arrearages.
SEC. 12. And be it enacted, That it shall be lawful
for the said corporation to authorize and make loans
Authorize and
of any funds that may accumulate in the hands of
make loans.
the treasurer, or approved notes, bonds and mort-
gages, and the same to collect by suits at law and
in equity, and to release as the directors may judge
expedient; and, also, to deposit the same funds in
bank or savings institutions, and to invest the same
in United States, State, city or county bonds, and to
contract for and receive interest thereon and the
principal thereof in their discretion.
SEC. 13. And be it enacted, That for the further
government of said corporation the board of direc-