within twenty days after notice of such loss; and
in case where persons sustaining loss by fire shall be
with estimate.
dissatisfied with the estimate of his loss by the ap-
praisers, on his request made in writing the subject
may be submitted to three disinterested persons,
one chosen by the directors, one by the person in-
sured who has sustained loss, and the one by the
two referees thus chosen; and the report of the
three persons thus chosen, or of any two of them,
shall be conclusive.
SEC. 9. And be it enacted, That upon the recep-
tion of the report of the appraisers or referees, the
How to pro-
directors shall proceed, in case there shall not be a
sufficient sum of money in the treasury to pay the
same, to levy such pre fata tax as shall, together
with the sum on hand, be equal to the adjudged
damages, and the costs of collection; they may
employ a collector, if necessary, to collect the money
and pay it over to the treasurer within thirty days,
and the president shall give to the persons or per-
son insured who may have sustained loss, and whose
loss shall have been duly ascertained, an order on
the treasurer for the amount adjudged to him, her
or them; which said sum of money must be paid
within sixty days from the occurrence of the fire,
otherwise the said corporation shall be liable for
interest thereon.
SEC. 10. And be it enacted, That every member
Bound to pay.
of the said corporation shall be bound to pay for the
losses and necessary expenses accruing in and to
said corporation, in proportion to his or her deposit
note, or taxable property on the books of the com-
pany; and suits at law may be maintained in the
name of said corporation against any of its mem-
bers for the collection of said deposit notes, or an
assessment thereon, or for any other cause relating
Suits at law.
to the business of the company; and suits at law
may be prosecuted and maintained by any member
against said corporation for losses or damages by
fire, if payment is withheld more than sixty days
after said corporation is duly notified of such losses.
SEC. 11. And be it enacted, That if any member
of this corporation shall neglect or refuse to pay the
interest upon his deposit note, on the day of the
annual meeting of the members, as is provided by
the sixth section of this act, such member shall