tors shall have power, by the concurrent vote of a
Enact by-laws.
majority, to enact and ordain such by laws not in-
consistent with this act, or with the constitution and
laws of this State, or of the United States, as may
be found requisite to carry out the legitimate pur-
poses of the said corporation, which by-laws shall
be recorded with a copy of this act in a book to be
kept for that purpose by the secretary, and shall
have upon the members of the said company, upon
the board of directors and officers, u pon all the busi-
ness operations of the said company, the same force
and effect as if they were part and parcel of this
act; and when such by-laws are so made, ordained
Alterations —
and confirmed, no amendment or alteration therein
bow made.
shall be made, unless by the consent of two thirds
of the board of directors; and such alteration or
amendment, when so made, if not inconsistent with
law, shall have the same force and effect as if part
of this act.
SEC. 14. And be it enacted, That this act shall
not go into operation, so as to authorize the execu-
How effective.
tion of any policy or contract of insurance, until
there shall be entered upon the books thereof prop-
erty of the standard value of twenty thousand
SEC. 15. And be it enacted, That at every an-
nual meeting of the members of the said company,
as provided for in the sixth section of this act, it
shall be the duty of the president to lay before the
Furnish state-
company a condensed statement of the business and
affairs of the said company, and at every third an-
nual meeting it shall and may be lawful for the said
board of directors to declare a dividend of the
profits of the concern, it any, upon such basis as
may be equal according to the respective contribu-
tions of the several members thereto, and of such
an amount as shall meet the approbation of two-
thirds of the members of the board, and of two-
thirds of the members of the said company present
at each third annual meeting.
SEC. 16. And be it enacted, That the said Mutual
Fire Insurance Company of Caroline county be and it
is hereby authorized and empowered, whenever losses
Assess pre-
may occur making it necessary, to assess the pre-
mium notes.
mium notes of its members, to borrow money for
the payment of such losses, and to bind said com-