voters in each of said precincts as is reasonably prac-
ticable; each of said precincts to be designated by
a number.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That in so redistribut-
ing existing precincts of, or in adding new precincts
to any district or districts in said county, the com-
How to pro-
missioners shall proceed in such manner and under
such rules and regulations, act or acts, as are or were
in use for a former distribution of precincts as by
law or otherwise in such cases already provided.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted. That this act shall
take effect from the date of its passage.
Approved March 30, 18S2.
Chapter 183.
AN ACT to authorize the Shenandoah Valley Rail-
road Company to extend its road to connect with
other roads, and to secure lauds for shops, stations
and necessary buildings.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assem-
bly of Maryland, That the Shenandoah Valley
Railroad Company, its successors and assigns, shall
Extend road.
have power and authority to extend their road from
Hagerstown, in this State, to any point on the boun-
dary line between Maryland and Pennsylvania, in
Washington county, and for that purpose may pur-
chase or condemn materials and any land neces-
sary for right of way, stations, shops, engine-houses
and other buildings necessary for the operation and
management of the road of said company, and may
Acquire real
acquire and hold real and personal property, and
and personal
may have, possess and exercise such other powers
and privileges as may be required to fully manage
such railroad in all things necessary to carry on the
business operations of the same.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the rights, pow-
Rights and
ers and duties of said company in relation to the
mode of constructing its works, purchase and con-
demnation of lands and materials, and the making
of road crossings, shall be the same and exercised in