Pratt Free Library of Baltimore city," shall be
Exempt from
exempt from all State and municipal taxes forever.
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That before the ordi-
nance which the Mayor and City Council of Balti-
more are hereby authorized and empowered to pass
for the purpose of accepting said donation and en-
tering into said contract and agreement for the pay-
ment of said sum of fifty thousand dollars annually
for the maintenance of said library shall take effect,
Approved by
the said ordinance shall be approved by a majority
a majority.
of the votes of the legal voters of said city cast at
the time and places to be appointed by said ordi-
nance for submitting the same to the legal voters of
said city as required by section seven of article
eleven of the Constitution of Maryland.
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That this act shall take
effect from the date of its passage.
Approved March 30, 1882.
Chapter 183.
AN ACT to empower and direct the Commission-
ers of Baltimore county to increase the number
of Election Precincts in Baltimore county.
SECTION 1 . Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That when there shall be presented
to the Commissioners of Baltimore county a petition
or petitions signed by not less than twenty-five qual-
ified voters of any election district in Baltimore
county, stating that for purposes of greater conveni-
ence of voting in their respective district or districts
they desire said district or districts shall be sub-
divided anew into new election precincts, the said
commissioners shall be and they are hereby directed
and empowered to increase the number of precincts
in said district or districts to a number not exceed-
Increase the
number of pro-
ing ten, or to redistribute such precincts as already
exist in said district or districts, having regard to as
much as is practicable the convenience of the voters
in said district or districts, holding in view as well
the equal distribution of the number of qualified