so far as said sinking fund may be capable of pay-
ing the same.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted and ordained, That at
the time fixed by the ordinance of December the
twenty- seventh, eighteen hundred and fifty-three,
Pay balance.
aforesaid, the said company shall pay to the register
the balance of the indebtedness secured by said
mortgage, less the amount of the sinking fund and
its accumulations.
SEC. 5. And be it enacted and ordained. That
nothing herein contained shall effect or impair the
mortgage given under the ordinance of December
the twenty-seventh, eighteen hundred and fifty-three ;
Execute fur-
but said company shall execute a further mortgage,
ther mortgage.
in a form satisfactory to the City Counsellor and the
Commissioners of Finance, upon the Main Stem of
the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad and its appurten-
ances, from the city of Baltimore to the eastern end
of the viaduct over the Ohio River at Benwood,
and to the city of Wheeling, to secure the Mayor
and City Council of Baltimore against any possible
loss or damage that may happen to it by reason of
not investing the increment of the said sinking fund
in the manner provided in the original ordinance.
Said mortgage shall be for the amount of the differ-
ence between the sinking fund at the date this ordi-
nance takes effect, estimating the city debt therein
at par, and the sum of five million dollars.
SEC. 6. And be it enacted and ordained, That
When effec-
this ordinance shall take effect when confirmed or
ratified by the General Assembly of Maryland.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assem-
bly of Maryland, That the said above recited ordi-
nance be and the same is hereby confirmed and
ratified, and that full power be and the same is
and ratified.
hereby conferred upon the Mayor and City Council
of Baltimore, and upon the Commissioners of Fi-
nance and the Register of said city, to carry inio
effect all the provisions of the said ordinance, in the
same manner, to all intents and purposes, as if the
said Mayor and City Council had been, previously
to the passage of said ordinance, authorized and
empowered by the act of the General Assembly of
Maryland, to enact an ordinance in the terms of the