the city of Baltimore the annual interest on said
sinking fund, but shall apply the same to the pay-
How to apply.
ment of the interest upon the certificates of stock
of the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore issued
under said original ordinance; and said fund shall
remain as it may be when this ordinance takes
effect, subject only to the necessary investments to
be made by the register of such portions of the pub-
lic debt in said fund as shall fall due before January
first, eighteen hundred and ninety, which new in-
vestments shall be made in the public debt of the
city of Baltimore if so required by the Mayor and
City Council of Baltimore, unless the debt so fall-
ing due be extended until or beyond the date of the
maturity of the certificates of city stock issued
under said original ordinance, provided that if said
new investments for the sinking fund bear a lower
rate of interest than the matured obligations for
which they have been substituted, then the Balti-
more and Ohio Railroad Company, in addition to
the amount named in section one of this ordinance,
shall pay to the said register, when demanded, such
yearly sum as will meet the deficiency caused by
Meet defi-
the lower rate of interest on such new investments,
it being the intention of this ordinance that the
Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company shall pay
to the city annually a sum of money which, with
the interest on the sinking fund, shall equal the sum
of three hundred thousand dollars.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted and ordained. That
for the purpose of applying the sinking fund and
its accumulations to the payment of the certificates
of city stock issued under said ordinance, the regis-
ter of the city, under the advice and direction of
the Commissioners of Finance, is hereby authorized
to sell such portions of the public debt in said sink-
ing fund as mature after January first, eighteen
hundred and ninety; such sale shall be made not
more than sixty and not less than thirty days prior
to January first, eighteen hundred and ninety, and
the proceeds of such sale, together with the balance
of said sinking fund, shall be applied to the pay-
How applied.
ment of said certificates of stock of the Mayor and
City Council of Baltimore, and to release said com-
pany from all liability secured by said mortgage in