three, entitled "An ordinance to aid the Baltimore
and Ohio Railroad Company by a loan to the
amount of tive millions of dollars to complete their
road to the city of Wheeling, fund their debts, and
especially to lay a double track as far as Piedmont,
two hundred and eighteen miles from Baltimore;
ten per cent, of the proceeds of the sale of the cer-
tificates of stock of the Mayor and City Council of
Baltimore, authorized thereby, was reserved as a
sinking fund for the payment at the maturity of the
principal of the loan, and was directed to be in-
vested, together with the increment thereof, from
time to time, in the public debt of said city; and in
pursuance of said authority a large fund has been
so accumulated which, on the first day of April,
eighteen hundred and eighty-one, amounted to two
millions three hundred and thirty-six thousand nine
hundred and fourty-four dollars and sixty-one cents
($2,336,944.61); and whereas a continued compli-
ance with the provisions of said ordinance, by the
purchase of certificates of the city's indebtedness
on account of said sinking fund at the prices which
they now and for the future are likely to command,
must operate a great hardship on the said company
without a corresponding advantage to the city of
Baltimore —
SECTION 1. Be it enacted and ordained by the
Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, That the
Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company be and is
Authorized to
hereby authorized to pay annually to the Register
pay annually.
of the city of Baltimore a sum of money which
shall equal the difference between three hundred
thousand dollars and the annual interest upon the
sinking fund provided for by the ordinance to which
this is a supplement, as said fund may be at the date
this ordinance takes effect; and the said sum shall
be paid at the times and in the manner required by
the mortgage provided for in said ordinance; and
that said register is hereby authorized and directed
to receive such sum in full payment of all claims
for interest on the indebtedness of said company
secured by the mortgage aforesaid.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted and ordained, That
the said register, after this ordinance takes effect,
shall not be required to invest in the public debt of