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Session Laws, 1882 Special Session
Volume 418, Page 244   View pdf image (33K)
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shall apportion said subscription among the stock-


holders in such manner as they or a majority of


them shall deem to the interest of said corporation,


and if any subscriber or owner of said stock shall


fail to pay any assessment which may be required

Failure to pay

by the president and board of directors of said com-


pany for the space of sixty days next after the same


is called for and made payable, the stock upon


which such assessment is required shall be forfeited


to the company, and may be sold by the president


and said board of directors for the benefit of said


company, but said president and board of directors


may remit such forfeiture upon such terms as they


may think proper, provided however, that no stock-


holder shall be assessed for any purpose more than


the par value of the stock.


SEC. 4. And be it further enacted, That as soon


as the sum of fifty thousand dollars of the capital


stock of the said company shall have been sub-


scribed, and five per centum of said sum shall have


been paid in, the said commissioners, or any three

Call meeting.

of them, shall call a meeting of the stockholders by


giving ten days notice of the time and place of said


meeting in one or more newspapers printed in the


states of New York, Pennsylvania, Delaware and


Maryland, and the said stockholders shall elect by


ballot at such meeting or at any subsequent gen-


eral meeting of said stockholders and directors of


said corporation, all of whom shall he stockholders


in said corporation, who shall hold office for one year


from the day of their election and until their suc-


cessor shall be elected and qualified, and to conduct


and manage the affairs and business of said corpo-


ration, and said stockholders shall each be entitled


to one vote for each share they shall have and hold


at the time of said election, and such election shall


be made by each of the stockholders as shall attend


said general meeting, either in person or by proxy ;


and the directors of said corporation, except for the


first year, shall be annually elected, and at such


time and place as shall be directed by laws of said




SEC. 5. Be it further enacted, That the directors


so elected, as soon after the election as practicable,

Elect presi-

elect one of their number president of said cor-


poration; and the said president and directors, or

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Session Laws, 1882 Special Session
Volume 418, Page 244   View pdf image (33K)
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