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Session Laws, 1882 Special Session
Volume 418, Page 245   View pdf image (33K)
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their successors in office, or a majority of them


assembled, shall have full power and authority to


appoint, and at their pleasure dismiss, such clerk,

Dismiss at

treasurer, engineer or engineers, and such other


agents as they may deem expedient, and to fix their


compensation, and to agree with any person or per-


sons on behalf of the said company to cut said canal,


erect dams, open feeders, make cuts, construct locks


and such other works as they shall judge necessary


or expedient for completing said canal, and to repair


and keep the same in order.


SEC. 6. Be it enacted, That when any vacancy or


vacancies shall occur in the board of directors of


said company, by death, resignation, or otherwise,

Vacancy —

the remaining directors shall choose others in their

how filled.

stead from the stockholders of said company, who


shall continue in office until the next general election


of directors.


SEC. 7. Be it enacted, That the said president and


directors, or their agent or agents authorized by


them, may agree with the owner or owners of any


land, earth, gravel, stone, timber, material, streams


or any improvements which may be wanted for the


proper construction or repair of said canal or any of


its works, for the purchase and use and occupation

Purchase and

or diversion of the same; and if they cannot agree,


or if the owner or owners or any of them be an


infant, feme covert, who is not possessed of the


property to her sole separate use, or authorized to


contract in reference to the same, non compos mentis,


or out of the county where such property wanted


may lie, when such property may be wanted, or for


any other cause be legally incapable of contracting,

Legally inca-

application may be made by the said company to


any justice of the peace of said county, who shall


thereupon issue his warrant, under his hand and


seal, to the sheriff of the county, requiring him to


summon a jury of twenty of the inhabitants of said

Summon Jury.

county above the age of twenty-one years, not related


to the parties nor in any wise interested, to meet on


the land or near the materials or other property


wanted, on a day named in said warrant, not less


than ten nor more than twenty days after issuing


the same; and if at said time and place any of the


said jurors summoned do riot attend, the sheriff shall


immeditely summon as many persons similarly


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Session Laws, 1882 Special Session
Volume 418, Page 245   View pdf image (33K)
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