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Session Laws, 1882 Special Session
Volume 418, Page 243   View pdf image (33K)
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corporate bodies may lawfully possess for the pur-


pose mentioned in this act.


SEC. 2 Be it further enacted, That the capital


stock of said corporation shall be thirty million dol-

Capital stock.

lars, to be divided into shares of one hundred dollars


each, which said capital stock shall be personal pro-


perty, and shall be transferable in such manner as


the by-laws of said corporation may prescribe; and


said corporation, whenever it shall seem to the direc-


tors thereof necessary or expedient for the purpose


contemplated by this act, shall have power also to


issue and sell, on the best terms that can be obtained

Issue and sell

for same, the bonds of said company, in such sums


as may be convenient, payable after such a number


of years as may be deemed proper, and bearing in


the mean time interest at the rate of six percentum


per annum, provided that the gross amount of said


bonds, so issued by said company, shall not exceed


the sum of thirty millions dollars, and for the pur-


pose of securing the payment of the principal and


interest of said bonds, the said company may exe-


cute and deliver a mortgage or mortgages of the said


canal, and of all other estate that may belong to it,


or may convey the same by deed to such trustees as


may be appointed, upon such trusts as may be rea-


sonably advised or devised for said purpose of secur-


ing the payment of principal and interest of said




SEC. 3. And ne it enacted, That the said Henry


C. Smith, John E. Hurst, William H. Baldwin, Jr.,


William T. Dixon, Joseph E. Bruff, Eugene Lever-


ing, Daniel J. Foley, John W. Garrett, Isaac L. Ad-


kins, William H. Smith, William McKenny, James


Wallace, George B. Wescott, William K. Lockwood,


James H. Holmes, William J. S. Clarke, Thomas


S. Hodson, James Pander, J. Turpin Moore, Albert


Curry, James R. Lofland, and Edward L. Martin


shall be and they are hereby constituted commission-


ers to receive subscriptions to said capital stock, and


shall designate the time and place of which said


subscriptions shall be taken by giving one week's


notice thereof in one or more newspapers published


in the city of New York, the city of Baltimore, and


in the State of Delaware; and in case more stock


is subscribed than is necessary for the full and ample


completion of said canal, the said commissioners


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Session Laws, 1882 Special Session
Volume 418, Page 243   View pdf image (33K)
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