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Session Laws, 1882 Special Session
Volume 418, Page 242   View pdf image (33K)
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John W. Garrett, Isaac L. Adkins, William H.


Smith, William McKenny, James Wallace, George B.


Wcscott, William K. Lockwood, James H. Holmes,


William J. S. Clarke, Thomas S. Hodson, of the


State of Maryland; and James Pander, J. Turpin


Moore, Albert Curry, James R. Lofland, Edward L.


Martin, of the State of Delaware, and their associ-


ates and successors and all other persons who may


be stockholders as hereinafter provided, are hereby


constituted and made a body corporate by the name


of the Chesapeake and Delaware Bay Ship Canal


Company, for the purpose of cutting and making a


ship canal; the object of which shall be to connect


the waters of the Chesapeake and Delaware bays


with all the works, locks, offices and appurtenances

Point of start-

that may be necessary; the said canal shall start


from or at a point on the Chesapeake bay or some


of the rivers, estuaries, creeks or some of the same,


or emptying into the same not above Elk river, and


run to the State line of Delaware and Maryland ;


and by the aforesaid corporate name the said Henry


C. Smith, John E. Hurst, William H. Baldwin, Jr.,


William T. Dixon, Joseph E. Bruff, Eugene Lever-


ing, Daniel J. Foley, John W. Garrett, Isaac L.


Adkins, William H. Smith, William McKenny,


James Wallace, George B. Wescott, William K.


Lockwood, James H. Holmes, William J S. Clarke,


Thomas S. Hodson, James Pander. J. Turpin Moore,


Albert Curry, James R. Lofland and Edward L.


Martin, their associates and successors, and all other


persons who may be stockholders as hereinafter pro-

Capable in

vided, shall be and they are hereby made capable


in law of purchasing, holding, leasing, selling, con-


veying estate, real, personal and mixed, so far as


shall be necessary and convenient for the purpose


aforesaid and hereinafter mentioned, and no further ;


and shall have perpetual succession, and by said


corporate name may sue and be sued, and have and


use a common seal, and the same alter and re-


new at pleasure, and also to ordain, establish and


put in execution such by-laws, ordinances and regu-


lations as shall seem necessary for the government


and management of said corporation, and to alter


and repeal the same at pleasure; and shall have and


exercise all the rights, powers and privileges which

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Session Laws, 1882 Special Session
Volume 418, Page 242   View pdf image (33K)
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