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Session Laws, 1882 Special Session
Volume 418, Page 240   View pdf image (33K)
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with a notice that unless settlement in full shall be


made before the first day of April, they will proceed

against delin-

to levy on, advertise and sell his or her property, ac-
cording to the provisions of the Code of Public Gen-


eral Laws; and the collectors shall so proceed against


all delinquents on the first day of April, but if the


value of the property levied upon shall not be suffi-


cient to cover the amount of taxes in arrear and the


cost of advertising and sale, as required by the Code


of Public General Laws, then the collectors shall


adopt a Jess expensive method of advertising and


sale; provided, however, that at least three public


notices of said sale shall be posted in the district in


which the delinquent resides, or his or her property


is located, at least ten days prior to the day of sale.


SECTION 70. The collectors shall close their ac-


counts for both State and county taxes before the

Close accounts

first day of May, in each year, and before receiving


credits of commissions on State tax collected shall


be required to exhibit to the clerk of the County


Commissioners the State Treasurer's receipt in full


for the same.


SECTION 71. The bonds of collectors failing to

Put in suit.

comply with the provisions of the preceding section


shall be put in suit by the commissioners at the first


term of the Circuit Court for Cecil county succeed-


ing the first day of May, unless said collectors shall


show good and sufficient reason for a postponement


of such action, but the postponement shall not be


for a longer time than till the term of court next


after that succeeding the first day of May; and on


all sums that said collectors may be in arrear on


the first day of May they shall be charged interest


at the rate of six per cent, per annum from the first


day of January of that year.


SECTION 72. All documents, books and papers be-


longing to the office of collector are hereby declared

Subject to

to be the property of Cecil county, and at all times


shall be subject to the examination of the County




SECTION 73. The County Commissioners shall,


at the time of making the annual levy, levy a suffi-

Levy by esti-

cient sum by estimate to cover the discount to tax-


payers and commissions to collectors provided for in


preceding sections.

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Session Laws, 1882 Special Session
Volume 418, Page 240   View pdf image (33K)
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