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Session Laws, 1882 Special Session
Volume 418, Page 239   View pdf image (33K)
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and the aggregate amount placed in his hands for




SECTION 66. The annual levy made by the County


Commissioners shall be due and payable on the first

When due.

day of September of the year in which it is made ;


hut the commissioners shall allow on all taxes paid


before the first day of September a discount of four


per cent.; on all taxes paid before the first day of


October a discount of three per cent.; on all taxes


paid before the first day of November a discount of


two per cent.; on all taxes paid before the first day


of December a discount of one per cent.; said dis-


counts to apply only to county tax, and the discounts


on State tax to remain as regulated by the Code of


Public General Laws.


SECTION 67. The County Commissioners, on or be-


fore the second Tuesday of August, in each year,


shall name six days prior to the first day of Septem-


ber, six days prior to the first day of October, six


days prior to the first day of November, and six


days prior to the first day of December, for the

Days of sitting

sitting of the collectors in their respective districts


for the purpose of receiving taxes; and the com-


missioners shall also designate the places in each


district at which the sittings shall be held, and shall


require their clerks to give public notice of the days


and places so named and designated.


SECTION 68. And the collectors shall, within five


days after the close of each sitting, pay to the State
treasurer and to the clerk of the County Commis-

To whom paid.

sioners the taxes received by them during said sitting;


and a failure to comply with this section, so far as it


relates to county tax, shall subject the collector or


collectors so failing to a loss of the discount allowed


by him or them during said sitting; and the clerk


of the County Commissioners, for all tax received


by him from collectors after the expiration of the


five days succeeding each sitting, shall give his re-

Give receipt.

ceipt for the actual amount paid, without discount.


SECTION 69. On the first day of January taxes


shall be deemed in arrear, and the collectors shall

When in

make out for each delinquent in their respective


districts a statement of amount of taxes due from


said delinquent, and shall at once present the state-


ment to such delinquent, or his or her agent, together


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Session Laws, 1882 Special Session
Volume 418, Page 239   View pdf image (33K)
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