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Session Laws, 1882 Special Session
Volume 418, Page 238   View pdf image (33K)
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Have three

each bond shall have at least three sureties, who


shall make oath in due form of law that they are


possessed in their own right, over and above all


debts or other claims against them, real property


equal in value to the amount of their bond; and


the Commissioners, before approving; said bonds,


shall, by causing the records to be searched or other-


wise, ascertain the truth of such oath.


SECTION 62. The duties of said collector shall be


to collect and pay over to the proper officers all the

Duties of col-

State and county taxes levied in his district, and to


diligently search for, assess at full cash value, and


report to the County Commissioners all new or


missed property in his district liable to taxation ;


and at the time of executing the first bond men-


tioned in the aforegoing section, he shall take the


following oath before the clerk of the Circuit Court


for Cecil county: "I, .......... collector of State

Oath to be

and county taxes in the ...... district of Cecil county,


do swear that I will well and truly execute the


duties imposed upon me by law; that I will collect


and pay over promptly all moneys coming into my


hands for the State or county; and will not, either


directly or indirectly, make any profit by the use


thereof in any manner whatever; that I will make


diligent search for new or missed property, and justly


and impartially value the same."


SECTION 63. The compensation of said collector


shall be fixed by the Commissioners at the time of


appointment, and for all services rendered shall not


exceed four percentum of the whole amount of


taxes collected by him.


SECTION 64. The clerk of the County Commis-


sioners shall collect and account for all such claims

Collect and

as shall be placed in his hands for collection by the


said commissioners, the collection of which is not


otherwise provided for in this act.


SECTION 65. It shall be the duty of the clerk of


the County Commissioners each year, as soon as the


annual levy shall have been made, to give public

Give public

notice thereof by publication in not more than two


newspapers published in Cecil county, once a week


for one month; and on or before the first day of


August in each year said clerk shall deliver to each


collector a copy of the assessment for his district.


with a statement of the rates of taxes for said year

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Session Laws, 1882 Special Session
Volume 418, Page 238   View pdf image (33K)
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