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Session Laws, 1882 Special Session
Volume 418, Page 235   View pdf image (33K)
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January session, eighteen hundred and seventy-six,


chapter three hundred and ninety-nine, entitled "An


Act to repeal an act passed at the January session


of the General Assembly, eighteen hundred and


seventy-four, chapter four hundred and forty-one,


entitled ' An Act to repeal an act passed at the


January session of the General Assembly of Mary-


land, eighteen hundred and seventy, chapter ninety-


nine, entitled An Act to lay off streets in Baltimore


county adjoining Baltimore city, and to repeal cer-


tain acts inconsistent therewith,' and also to repeal


the acts passed at the January session of eighteen
hundred and seventy-two, chapter seventy-eight, en-


titled ' An Act a supplement to an act, entitled an

Repealed and

act to lay off streets in Baltimore county adjoining


Baltimore city, and to repeal certain acts incon-


sistent therewith by the General Assembly of Mary-


land, at the January session of eighteen hundred


and seventy, chapter ninety-nine,' and also to repeal


an act passed at the January session of eighteen


hundred and seventy-two, chapter three hundred


and eighty-seven, entitled 'An Act to repeal section


four of an act passed by the General Assembly of


Maryland, at its January session, eighteen hundred


and seventy, chapter ninety-nine, entitled an act to


lay oif streets in Baltimore county adjoining Balti-


more city, and to repeal certain acts inconsistent


therewith, and so forth, and to re-enact the same


with amendments,' " be and the same is hereby re-


pealed and re-enacted so as to read as follows:


SECTION 12. And be it enacted, That it is hereby


declared and understood that Baltimore county shall


not be held responsible for the per diem of any exam-

Not respon-

iner or examiners, as the case may be, or for any

sible for per

charges or expenses of any kind or nature whatsoever


that may be incurred under the provisions of this


act, but that the per diem of the examiner or exam-


iners, as the case may be, and all other charges and


expenses which may be incurred under the provi-


sions of this act shall be paid as hereinbefore pro-


vided for; and that in any contract or contracts


that may be made after the passage of this law by


any examiner or examiners, as the case may be,


there shall be inserted a clause that Baltimore

Clause to be

county shall not be responsible for any work done


under such contract or contracts, nor for any ex-


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Session Laws, 1882 Special Session
Volume 418, Page 235   View pdf image (33K)
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