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Session Laws, 1882 Special Session
Volume 418, Page 236   View pdf image (33K)
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pense or charge of any nature whatsoever in con-


nection with such work or contract; and in all con-


tracts of any description made under this act the


examiner or examiners, as the case may be, shall

Reserve as

reserve twenty per cent, of the amount of such con-


tracts, to be held by him or them as security for the


faithful completion of the same, until the same shall


have been satisfactorily completed, and the said:


twenty per cent, shall be deducted and reserved


from each and every payment, under said contracts


and should the contractor under any contract made


under the terms of this act fail to complete said


contract, all sums unpaid at the time of such default,


including the twenty per cent, above referred to,


shall be forfeited, and the contractor or his bonds-


men shall have no claim upon the same; and when-


ever application is made to the County Commis-


sioners of Baltimore county, as provided by section


four, five, eight, nine and ten of this act, it shall


be the duty of said County Commissioners to ap-


point one examiner or three examiners, as the appli-


cants may prefer, the one examiner to be chosen

To be chosen

by agreement between the County Commissioners

by agreement.

and the applicants, or in any case of non-agreement


to appoint three examiners, two to be chosen by the


County Commissioners and one to be named by the


applicants, but no person shall be appointed as an


examiner or as one of the examiners who shall be


related to any of the parties making the application,


or who may be the owner of or be in any way


interested in ground bounding and fronting on the


line of any street, avenue, alley or proposed thorough-


fare for which application is made to be condemned,


opened, graded and constructed, or to be widened,


opened, graded and constructed, or on the line of


any street or avenue for which application is made


for the extension of the same, or on the line of any


street or avenue for which application is made for


the laying off of the same; and if one examiner be


appointed his pay shall be four dollars per day, and


if three examiners be appointed their pay shall be


two dollars and fifty cents each per day for every


day actually and necessarily engaged in the matter


of his or their appointment; and such examiner or


examiners, as the case may be, shall keep an accu-


rate itemized account of all moneys received and

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Session Laws, 1882 Special Session
Volume 418, Page 236   View pdf image (33K)
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