Chapter 172.
AN ACT to repeal section twelve of an act passed
by the General Assembly of Maryland, at its Jan-
uary session, eighteen hundred and seventy six,
chapter three hundred and ninety-nine, entitled
"An Act to repeal an act passed at the January
session of the General Assembly of Maryland,
eighteen hundred and seventy-four, chapter four
hundred and forty-one, entitled 'An Act to repeal
an act passed at the January session of the Gen-
eral Assembly of Maryland, eighteen hundred and
seventy, chapter ninety-nine,' entitled ' An Act to
lay off streets in Baltimore county, adjoining Bal-
timore city, and to repeal certain acts inconsistent
therewith,' and also to repeal the act passed at the
January session, eighteen hundred and seventy-
two, chapter seventy-eight, entitled ' An Act a
supplement to an act entitled An Act to lay off
streets in Baltimore county adjoining Baltimore
city, and to repeal certain acts inconsistent there-
with, by the General Assembly of Maryland, at
the January session of eighteen hundred and
seventy, chapter ninety-nine,' and also to repeal an
act passed at the January session of eighteen hun-
dred and seventy-two, chapter three hundred and
eighty-seven, entitled ' An Act to repeal section
four of an act passed by the General Assembly of
Maryland, at its January session, eighteen hun-
dred and seventy, chapter ninety-nine, entitled
An Act to lay off streets in Baltimore county ad-
joining Baltimore city, and to repeal certain acts
inconsistent therewith and so forth, and to re-
enact the same with amendments,' and to re-enact
the same with amendments."
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assem-
bly of Maryland, That section twelve of an act
passed by the General Assembly of Maryland, at its