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Session Laws, 1882 Special Session
Volume 418, Page 229   View pdf image (33K)
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river to the mouth of Little Monocacy creek; thence


up and with said Little Monocacy creek until the


same is crossed by the mouth of Monocacy and


Dawsonsville road; thence with said mouth of Mo-


nocacy and Dawsonsville road through Beallsville, in


the direction of Dawsonsville, to where said mouth


of Monocacy and Dawsousville road is intersected by


the road leading therefrom to Boyds (known as the

Metes and

Richard T. White road), and near the residence of the


late Dr. Nicholas Brewer; thence with said last men-


tioned road until the same is crossed by the spring


branch north of the residence of the late Robert


Dade; thence down and with said spring branch to


Buck Lodge branch; thence down and with said


Buck Lodge branch to Little Seneca creek; thence


up and with said Little Seneca creek to the place


of beginning.


SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the voting place


or polls in said eleventh election district shall be

Voting place.

held at Barnesville.


SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the Governor of


Maryland and County Commissioners of Mont-


gomery county be and they are respectively author-


ized and directed to appoint for said new district


two justices of the peace, one registration officer for

Appoint addi-

the registration of voters, and two constables, and

tional officers.

all other officers as they may now be authorized by


law to appoint for other election districts in said


county, and also to do whatever else, within the


scope of their authority, may be necessary to carry


out the objects of this act.


SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That the name of


Medleys district or the third election district of said

Name of dis-

county is hereby changed to Poolesville district

trict changed.

number three, or the third election district of Mont-


gomery county, and that the voting place or polls


therof shall be held at Poolesville.


SEC 5. And be it enacted, That the triangular


lot of ground at Boyds Station, on the Metropoli-


tan Branch of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad,


between the old and new bed of the Gaithersburg

Embraced in

and Barnesville road, through which said railroad


passes, and whereon the storehouse of Williams and


Lewis is located, and heretofore within the metes


and bounds of the third election district of Mont-


gomery county, shall hereafter be embraced within


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Session Laws, 1882 Special Session
Volume 418, Page 229   View pdf image (33K)
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