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Session Laws, 1882 Special Session
Volume 418, Page 222   View pdf image (33K)
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by section two, and that the valuation of any estray


be ascertained by due care and in good faith by the


person who shall have taken up the same.


SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That this act shall take


eifect from the date of its passage.


Approved March 30, 1882.


Chapter 163.


AN ACT to provide for the prosecution of the


study of anatomy in the State of Maryland.


SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assem-


bly of Maryland, That any public officer of Balti-


more city and county of Baltimore, having charge

Give permis-

thereof or control over the same, shall give permission


to any physician or surgeon of the same city and


county, upon his request made therefor, to take the


bodies of deceased persons, within forty-eight hours


after death, required to be buried at the public ex-


pense, to be by him used within the State for the


advancement of medical science, preference being


given to medical schools, public and private, and


said bodies to be distributed to and among the same


equitably, the number assigned to each being pro-


portioned to that of its students; provided, however,


that if the deceased person, during his or her last


sickness, of his or her own accord, shall request to

Revest to be

be buried, or if any person "claiming to be, and sat-


isfying the proper authorities that he is of kindred


to the deceased, shall ask to have the body for burial,


it shall be surrendered for interment; or if such de-


ceased person was a stranger or traveler, who died


suddenly, the body shall be buried, and not handed


over as aforesaid.


SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That every physician


or surgeon, before receiving any such dead body,

Give bond.

shall give to the proper authorities a sufficient bond


that each body shall be used only for the promotion


of medical science within the State; and whosoever


shall use such body or bodies for any other purpose,


or shall remove the same beyond the limits of this


State, and whosoever shall sell or buy such body or

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Session Laws, 1882 Special Session
Volume 418, Page 222   View pdf image (33K)
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