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Session Laws, 1882 Special Session
Volume 418, Page 223   View pdf image (33K)
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bodies, or in any way traffic in the same, shall be

Not to traffic.

deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall on con-


viction bo imprisoned for a term not exceeding five


years at hard labor in the county jail.


SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That this act shall


take effect from the date of its passage.


Approved March 30, 1882.


Chapter 164.


AN ACT to grant certain additional powers to


"Mountain Lake Park Association of Garrett


County," a corporation incorporated under the


General Laws of Maryland.


SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assem-


bly of Maryland, That " Mountain Lake Park As-


sociation of Garrett county," a corporation duly in-


corporated by certificate recorded in the office of


the clerk of the Circuit Court for Garrett county,

Carriage of

shall have power to contract with any person, or


body corporate, in reference to the carriage of per-


sons to and from its grounds, or with reference to


any other matter or thing pertaining to the manage-


ment, control or interest and purposes of said cor-




SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That said association


shall have power to ornament, embellish, grade and


supply its grounds with all necessary roads, streets


and alleys, and when necessary, to alter and change


the location of such roads, streets and alleys, and


to erect on its land such tenements and houses, and

Ornament and

to make such provisions for supplying water and


light as may be necessary in carrying out the de-


sign and purpose of the association, and generally


to improve, lease or dispose of said land, and to


make all such by-laws, rules and ordinances as may


be necessary for sanitary or other purposes, and to


do any manner of thing that said association may


deem necessary or proper, and not inconsistent with


the laws of this State.


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Session Laws, 1882 Special Session
Volume 418, Page 223   View pdf image (33K)
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