Chapter 146.
AN ACT for the relief of certain Maryland own-
ers of tobacco who were the growers of the same-,
and whose tobacco was destroyed or injured in
the month of January, eighteen hundred and
seventy-five, while stored in the State Tobacco
"Warehouses number one and number two, in the
city of Baltimore.
WHEREAS it is represented to this General Assem-
bly of Maryland that a fire occurred in the month
of January, eighteen hundred and seventy five, in
State Tobacco Warehouses number one and number
two, in the city of Baltimore, and that in said fire
a number of hogsheads of tobacco there stored were
burned, and which were owned by the Maryland
growers of the same, and it is right that said Mary-
land owners should be compensated for the loss
occasioned to them by the burning of said tobacco ;
therefore —
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assem-
bly of Maryland, That the Comptroller of the
Treasury be and he is hereby authorized and di-
rected to inquire into and ascertain the fair mar-
Ascertain fair
market value.
ket value of all tobacco so owned by the Maryland
growers thereof, which was destroyed or injured in
the fire which occurred in the State Tobacco Ware-
houses number one and number two, in the city
of Baltimore, in the month of January, eighteen
hundred and seventy five, and shall thereupon draw
Draw warrant.
his warrant upon the Treasurer of the State in
favor of the said owner or owners, being Maryland
growers, or their assignees or agents, of said tobacco
so injured or destroyed in said fire, for such sums .
respectively as he shall ascertain to be the fair value
of the tobacco so destroyed or injured in said fire,
and belonging to such owner or owners as aforesaid,
after deducting, however, all sums derived by such
owner or owners respectively from the sale of such
part of said tobacco as was injured, but not entirely
destroyed by said fire, and after deducting also all
sums secured by said owner or owners respec-