laid out and divided as hereinbefore in this act
directed, and six election precincts of the seventh
ward, to be named in said ordinance, contiguous in
territory to the territory of some one or more of the
six first entire wards aforesaid, shall be declared by
said ordinance to constitute, and shall constitute the
First legisla-
first legislative district of Baltimore city, the re-
tive district.
maining three election precincts of the said seventh
ward to be named in said ordinance; and the eighth,
ninth, tenth, eleventh, twelfth and thirteenth wards,
as so laid out and divided by said Mayor and City
Council of Baltimore, and three election precincts
of the fourteenth ward, to be named in said ordi-
nance, contiguous in territory to the territory of
some one or more of the six entire wards last
named, shall be declared by ordinance to constitute
Second legis-
and shall constitute the second legislative district of
lative district.
Baltimore city, the remaining six election precincts
of the said fourteenth ward to be named in said
ordinance; and the fifteenth, sixteenth, seventeenth,
eighteenth, nineteenth and twentieth wards shall be
declared by said ordinance to constitute and shall
Third legisla-
tive district.
constitute the third legislative district of Baltimore
SEC. 9. And Be it enacted, That when the ordi-
Providing for
nance dividing the city of Baltimore into twenty
change of dis-
wards, as directed by this act, and showing the
division of each of said wards into nine election
precincts, as directed by this act, has been passed
and approved, the said city of Baltimore shall be
deemed and taken to be divided into three legisla-
tive districts, as defined by the said ordinance.
SEC. 10. And be it enacted, That the said divi-
sions, so made as directed by this act of the said
city of Baltimore into election precincts, wards and
Remain un-
legislative districts, shall remain unchanged until
otherwise directed by the General Assembly; and
that all acts or parts of acts, whether the same be
public general acts or public local acts, which are
inconsistent with the provisions of this act, be and
the same are hereby repealed to the extent of said
SEC. 11. And be it enacted, That this act shall
take effect from and after the date of its passage.
Approved February 6, 1882.