wards to be by them so divided and numbered, shall
contain nine of the election precincts, so laid out as
aforesaid by the Board of Police Commissioners for
the city of Baltimore as aforesaid; which said elec-
tion precincts, so to be included in each ward, shall
be contiguous in territory; and the said wards shall
be as regular in form as may be reasonably practi-
cable; and the said election precincts so grouped
How grouped.
into wards, shall be so grouped without reference to
the numerical sequence of said election precincts as
the same were numbered by the said Board of Po-
lice Commissioners for the city of Baltimore in lay-
ing off thereof as shown by the record thereof,
made and recorded as aforesaid.
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That the ordinance of
said Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, laying
off each of said wards, shall contain an exact de-
scription of the external boundaries of each of the
said twenty wards, so laid out and divided as afore-
said, and under the heading of each description of
the boundaries of each of said wards, shall contain
an exact description of the external boundaries of
each election precinct making a part of the said
ward, and they shall number each of said precincts,
in each of said wards, from number one to number
nine, both numbers included; and shall, after the
numbers of each precinct of each ward, so num-
bered in said ordinance, put in brackets the original
Bracket origi-
division number of said precinct, as shown in the
nal division.
original record of the division of the said city of
Baltimore into election precincts, made by the
Board of Police Commissioners for the city of Bal-
timore as aforesaid, and recorded as aforesaid.
SEC. 7. And be it enacted, That it shall be the duty
of the said Mayor and City Council of Baltimore
to complete the work of dividing the said election
Time to com-
plete it.
precincts into wards, laid out as by this act directed,
within sixty days after the passage of this act.
SEC. 8. And be it enacted, That it shall also be
the duty of the said Mayor and City Council of
Baltimore, as soon as the said city of Baltimore is
divided into twenty wards, as is by this act directed,
to proceed to divide, by ordinance, the said twenty
Divide into
legislative dis-
wards into three legislative districts, which said
division shall be made in manner following: That
is to say, the first six wards of the city of Baltimore,