Senate bill entitled an Act to repeal Section 43 of Article
56, of the Code of Public General Laws, relating to licenses,
and to re-enact the same with amendments.
Endorsed : "Enacting clause stricken out and motion to
reconsider laid on the table.
Senate bill entitled an Act to add certain additional Sec-
tions to Article 81, of the Code of Public General Laws, title
"Revenue and Taxes."
Endorsed: "Reported unfavorably from the Committee on
Ways and Means, and report adopted."
Senate bill entitled an Act to add additional Sections to
Article 56, of the Code of Public General Laws, title "Li-
censes," under the sub-title "Coal Mining."
Endorsed: "Read a third time and rejected by yeas and
Also, returned,
Senate Joint Besolutions with reference to the State of
Endorsed: "Passed by yeas and nays."
The hour of 12 o'clock, midnight, having arrived.
The President arose and said :
By Constitutional limitation, the Session of 1876, has now
reached its close. Before, however, so officially declaring, let
me ask your kind indulgence for a few moments, wherein, be-
fore finally separating, and turning our faces once more home-
ward, I may express to you my deep, heartfelt appreciation
of the very many acts of kindness and courtesy, both official
and otherwise, which have been extended to me as your pre-
siding officer, and to assure you, that in the future, as now,
they will be cherished by me in most grateful remembrance
as some of the brightest and most pleasant experiences of my
On assuming this Chair, to which I had been called by
your generous partiality, I not only most earnestly desired,
but ever expressed the sincerest hope, that in all our rela-
tions, as varied and numerous, as I knew they would be, per-
fect accord and good feeling would ever be manifested, and
predominate in all our deliberations and intercourses; and
now, though, in the hurry of debate, or the excitement of
discussion, utterances may have fallen from our lips, which