1876.] OF THE SENATE. 997
Senate bill entitled an Act to repeal Seption 29 of the Acts
of 1868, chapter 471, entitled an Act to repeal Article 26, of
the Code of Public General Laws, relating to corporations,
and to enact a substitute therefor, and to repeal Section 22
of Article 16; Sections 99 to 103 of the same Article, and
Sections 33 to 43 of Article 88, of the Code of Public General
Laws, and to re-enact the same with amendments.
Endorsed: ''Passed by yeas and nays with proposed amend-
Add to title, "and to repeal Section 17 of the same Arti-
cle, and to re-enact the name with amendments."
Amend Section 1, add at end of Section, "and that Section
17 of the same Article, be and the same is hereby repealed,
amended and re-enacted to read as follows."
"Section 17, class 4. For the formation of Fire, Life, Ma-
rine, Accident, Cattle, Live Stock and other Insurance Com-
panies, and all Companies for receiving, weighing, shelter-
ing, feeding and exposing for sale cattle, sheep and hogs ;
provided, that such Companies shall have their principal
office in this State, and provided, that the yards and scales
of every Company for receiving, weighing, sheltering, feed-
ing and exposing for sale cattle, sheep and hogs shall be lo-
cated either within the City of Baltimore, or within a distance
of not more than six miles from the limits thereof; and
provided further, that all such cattle, sheep and hogs shall
be weighed by or under the supervision of the State Weigh-
master, as now provided for by law; such weighing to be
done at the yards and scales of such Company."
Which were concurred in, and bill passed by yeas and nays
as follows:
Messrs. President, Gorman,
Aydelotte, Humphreys,
Bannon, Knight,
Brewer, Lawrence,
Cooper, McCulloh,
Freeman, Newcomer,
Ford, Stevens.—14
Senate bill entitled an Act to repeal Section 119 of chap-
ter 471, of the Acts of 1868, relating to corporations, and to
re-enact the same with amendments.
Endorsed : ''Rejected by yeas and nays."