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for the time seemed to jar and grate harshly upon our feel-
ings, let me assure you, Senators, my most sanguine desires
and expectations in this respect, have been more than realized,
and that in parting, we do so, let us trust, bearing each for
the other none but the kindliest regards and reciprocal senti-
ments of esteem.
In entering upon the duties of the Chair, I felt well-assured
that I should very frequently have to rely upon your gener-
ous forbearance and assistance; for, although not without
legislative experience, I was keenly sensible of, and deeply
impressed by the magnitude of the responsibilities I was about
to assume. That forbearance and aid I have erer received,
and now is the fitting moment for me to make due acknowl-
edgment, and express to you my thanks for the same. How
these duties have been performed, it is not becoming in me
to say. They are now of the past, and form a part of the
history of the transactions of this Body. If aught has seemed
amiss, let me but say in extenuation, it must be charged as
an error of the head, and not of the heart.
And now, Senators, in a few hours we shall be on the
journey to our respective firesides. May the choicest bless-
ings of a kind Heaven be yours in the amplest abundance,
and may the same unerring hand of Providence, which has
guarded and kept us thus far, restore us safely to the bosom
of our homes and families, is my earnest prayer for each and
all of you.
In conclusion, I tender to the officers of the Senate my
thanks for the able and efficient manner in which they have
discharged their arduous labors.
I now declare this Senate adjourned, sine die.
Of Cecil County,
Journal Clerk.