Article, and Sections 33 to 43 of Article 88, of the Code of
Public General Laws, and to re-enact the same with amend-
Endorsed: "Passed by yeas and nays."
Senate bill entitled an Act to protect the the rights of par-
ties to suits at law upon negotiable instruments where from
any cause the same cannot be produced and surrendered.
Endorsed: "Passed by yeas and nays."
Senate bill entitled an Act to provide tor the appointment
of State Inspectors of Oils and Fluids, used for illuminating
purposes in this State, and for a Board of Directors upon the
Inspection of Illuminating Oils and Fluids.
Endarsed: "Passed by yeas and nays, with proposed
Section 1, line 4, strike out "Chemists," and insert
Add to end of 1st Section, "That the said Inspectors
when appointed, and the Governor of the State be, and they
are hereby constituted a Board of Direction upon the Inspec-
tion of Illuminating Oils and Fluids, and are hereby au-
thorized and directed to make and establish all rules and
regulations (or the proper inspection of oils and fluids used
for illuminating purposes in this State, but who shall in
framing said rules and regulations conform to the provisions
of the Act of the General Assembly of Maryland of 1874,
chapter 504, entitled an Act to regulate the manufacture and
sale of oils for illuminating purposes, so far as the same may
be applicable.
Which were concurred in, and bill passed by yeas and
nays as follows :
Messrs. President, Joyce,
Aydelotte, Knight,
Bannon, Lee,
Brewer, Lawrence,
Cooper, Lloyd,
Dennis, McCulloh,
Freeman, Newcomer,
Getty, Stevens,
Gormon, Steiner
Hepbron, Suit,
Humphreys, Walsk—22.