1876.] OF THE SENATE. 789
amount of one million of dollars, to defray expenses of said
No. 188. An Act to repeal Section 453 of the Acts of 1874
so far as it relates to Caroline county, and to enact the fol-
lowing in lieu thereof.
No. 190. An Act declaratory of the Act of the General
Assembly of Maryland, passed at January Session, 1836, ch.
109, entitled "An Act to amend an Act, entitled an Act to
Incorporate the Fremont Savings' Institution of Baltimore,"
by allowing: said Institution the privilege embraced under
the Act entitled an Act to continue the corporate existence
of the several banking institutions therein men tioned, passed
at January Session, 1853, ch. 441, and to extend the corpo-
rate existence of the Peoples' Bank of Baltimore.
No. 191. An Act to authorize Sarah A. E. Brewington to
settle her account as guardian with George P. Brewington,
a minor.
No. 192. An Act to authorize and empower the Governor
to appoint an additional Justice of the Peace in Cavetown
District, in Washington county.
No. 193. An Act to repeal Sections 43 and 49 of Art. 5,
of the Code of Public General Laws of Maryland, entitled
"Appeals," and to re-enact the same with amendments.
No. 194. An Act to appropriate a sum of money for the
repair and improvement of the State House.
No. 195. An Act authorizing his Excellency, the Gov-
ernor, to apply to the President of the United States, for the
appointment of a Board of three Commissioners, to be de-
tailed for the survey of the Harbor of Baltimore city, and the
adjacent waters, and the establishment of the pier and bulk-
head lines thereof, and appropriating five thousand dollars
to pay the expenses of said Board.
On motion by Mr. Ford,
The Senateat 2.30 P. M., took a recess until 8 P. M.
TUESDAY, March 28th, 1876.
Senate met at S P. M.
Present at roll call the following Senators:
Messrs. President, Aydelotte, Brewer, Dennis, Freeman,
Ford, Getty, Humphreys, Knight, Lee, Lawrence, Lloyd,