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Proceedings of the Senate, 1876
Volume 414, Page 783   View pdf image (33K)
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1876,] OF THE SENATE. 783

received, or to be received, by said Company, for the trans-
portation of passengers on the Washington Branch Road to-
the first of July, 1873 ; and the said Company to be credited
with the amount of its claim against the State, on account of
its payment of interest on the sterling debt of the State. The
said Company to pay $25,000 per annum from July 1st,,
1873, in lieu of the one-fifth part of the money received far
the transportation of passengers upon said Washington.
Branch Road, for which said Company is now obliged to ac-
count to the State ; said sum of $25,000 per year being also
to be received by the State in lieu of all claims to tax said
Washington Branch Road, but reserving to the State all-
power to tax the other property of the said Company or its
stock, if the Courts should be of the opinion that such pro-
perty or stock is liable to taxation.

Had this proposition been made by the Baltimore and Ohio
Railroad Company at such time in this Session as would
have permitted your Committee to have considered the same
fully, it would have reported thereon to the Senate ; but
your Committee regrets to say that the proposition has been
made at so late a period in the Session, that there does not
remain time to adjust any of the details necessary to the
closing of this controversy.

By order of the Committee on Finance.



Which was read.

Also the following Joint Resolutions and bill accompany-
ing the above Report.

House Joint Resolutions in reference to the Baltimore and.
Ohio Railroad Company,

With the following proposed amendment.

"Strike out the second resolution."

Which was rejected.

On motion by Mr. Brewer,

The vote by which said amendment was rejected,

Was reconsidered.

House Joint Resolutions in relation to the Washington
Branch of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad,


House Joint Resolutions relating to the Baltimore and
Ohio Railroad Company.


House bill entitled an Act to repeal any supposed exemp-
tions of the capital stock of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad


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Proceedings of the Senate, 1876
Volume 414, Page 783   View pdf image (33K)
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