Volume 414, Page 784 View pdf image (33K) |
Company or any of its branch roads, or its or their property
On motion by Mr. Brewer,
The report, bill and resolutions were ordered to lie over,
Mr. Lloyd, from Committee on Finance, (by unanimous
House bill entitled an Act to repeal the Act of 1864, chap.
With the following proposed amendments.
Section 29, line 3, strike out all alter the word "same" to
Make the following Section 68.
"And be it enacted, That any owner or agent can have a
Make "Section 68" "Section 69."
Pending the consideration of said bill and amendments,
On motion by Mr. Gorman,
Said bill was ordered to lie over and be made the order of
Also, unfavorably,
House bill entitled an Act to authorize the Mayor and
Mr. Cooper moved to substitute said bill for the unfavora-
Which was decided in the affirmative by yeas and nays as
Messrs. President, Knight, |
Volume 414, Page 784 View pdf image (33K) |
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