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Proceedings of the Senate, 1876
Volume 414, Page 774   View pdf image (33K)
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of land to keep it enclosed to prevent other peoples stock
from trespassing thereon.

Which was read and leferrcd to Messrs Dennis, Hum-
phreys and Aydelotte.

Mr. Steiner submitted the following message :

March 28th. 1876
Gentlemen of the House of Delegates:

We have received your message of yesterday, informing
us that the House did not concur in the amendment adopted
by the Senate, to the bill authorizing the County Commis-
sioners of Frederick county, to fund the debt contracted by
the School Commissioners of said county, and in reply, would
respectfully state that the Senate adheres to said amend-

By order,



Which was read, assented to, and sent to the House of

Mr. McCulloh, frorn Committee on Corporations, reported
favorably, the following bills

First. Senate bill entitled an Act to repeal Section 5, of
chapter 248, of the Code of Public General Laws, passed
January Session, 1868, entitled and Act to inorporate the
North Branch Lumber and Boom Company, and to re-enact
the same with amendments.

Second. Senate bill entitled an Act for the better regulation
of all organizations chartered, or to be chartered by the
laws of this State, insurance companies excepted.

Which were read the first time.

Mr. Phelps, fiom Select Committee, reported unfavorably,

House bill entitled an Act to repeal chapter 442, of the
Acts of 1872, relating to the shooting of wild fowl in the
waters of Dorchester county, and to re-enact the same with

Which was adopted.

Said bill was then returned to the House of Delegates.

Senate bill entitled an Act to repeal Section 29, of the
Acts of 1868, chapter 471, entitled an Act to repeal Article
26, of the Code of Public General Laws, and to enact a sub-
stitute therefor, and to repeal Section 22, of Article 16, Sec-
tions 99 to 103, of the same Article, and Sections 33 to 43,
of Article 88, of the Code of Public General Laws, and to
re-enact the same with amendments.


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Proceedings of the Senate, 1876
Volume 414, Page 774   View pdf image (33K)
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