On motion by Mr. Getty,
Leave was granted to Messrs. Getty, Ford and Hepbron,
to introduce a bill to change the dividing line between the
Third and Fifth Election Districts of Garrett county.
On motion by Mr. Stevens,
Leave was granted to the Committee on Judicial Proceed-
ings, to introduce a bill entitled an Act to regulate the
method of conducting primary elections in the City of Bal-
Leave was granted to the Committee on Judicial Proeed-
ings, to introduce, a bill entitled an Act to repeal Section 86
of Article 10, of the Public General Laws, entitled "At-
tachments," and to re-enact the same with amendments, to
provide that one-half of the wages of an employee shall be
exempt from attachment.
On motion by Mr. Lloyd,
Leave was granted to the Committee on Finance to intro-
duce a bill entitled an Act to add additional sections to Arti-
cle fifty-six of the Code of Public General Laws entitled
"Licenses," under the sub-title "Coal Mining."
On motion by Mr. Suit,
Leave was granted to the Committee on Agriculture to in-
troduce a bill to establish the standard weight of oats to con-
form with the recognized standard of the United States.
Mr. Dennis submitted the following
WHEREAS, It has been freely reported amd charged in the
public press and otherwise, that the public officials of the
State intrusted with the control and management of the
funds of the State, have abused their trust and perverted
their offices to purposes of private gain and emolument;
And whereas, It is important to the well-being of the
State, and but right and just in itself, to the parties thus
charged, that the truth or falsity of such charges should be
fully inquired into and examined, to the end that justice be
done, and that if innocent their innocence may be shown, and
if guilty that their guilt may appear;
Therefore, Be it Resolved by the Senate and House of Dele-
gates, 1st. That a Committee of five, consisting of two on the
part of the Senate, and three on the part of the House of Del-
egates, to be appointed by the presiding officers of the Sen-