Mr. Gorman presented the memorial of W. H. B. Fussel-
baugh, John Milroy and BL Gilmor, requesting that the
Board of Police Commissioners shall be relieved from the
duty of appointing Judges of Elections.
Which was read and referred to the Committee on Elec-
Mr. Cooper presented the following
WHEREAS, The Gas-Light Company of Baltimore, and the
Peoples' Gas-Light Company of Baltimore, are constantly
violating the provisions of chapter 417, of the Acts of 1858,
which requires gas to be of a proper standard, and also that
the metres should not be defective.
And whereas, The gas supplied to the people of Baltimore
is inferior, and the metres worthless.
And whereas, The contract forced on consumers by the
Gas-Light Company of Baltimore, which contract is the ruies
passed by said Company in Oct., 1857, before the passage of
the aforesaid Act of the General Assembly—the fourth of
said mies of paid Gas Company is as follows: "Gas will be
furnished by metre only, and should a metre fail to register
the gas, the account will be made by the average of other
metres, or the amount charged for a corresponding month."
Said rule is monstrous and illegal, but the people have to
submit to the Gas Company. Now, lor the purpose of pro-
tecting the citizens and compelling the Gas Companies to do
their duty—
Ordered, That the Committee on Corporations report a
bill to repeal and re-enact chapter 417, of Acts of General
Assembly, 1858.
Which was read and referred to the Committee on Corpora-
On motion by Mr. Humphreys,
Leave was granted to the Committee on Judicial Proceed-
ings to introduce a bill to repeal Sec. 6-1, 52, 53, of Art. 16,
Code of Public General Laws, title "Chancery," sub-titie
"Injunction," and to re-enact the same with amendments.
On motion by Mr. Ford,
Leave was granted to Messrs. Ford, Hepbron and Getty,
to introduce a bill to repeal Section 1, chapter 206, passed at
January Session,. 1868, entitled an Act to authorize the
County Commissioners of Queen Anne's county, to levy a
sum of money, or issue bonds for repairing or altering the
Court-house, in said county, and to re-enact the same with,