1876.] OF THE SENATE. 25
Messrs. President, Humphreys,
Aydelotte, Joyce,
Bannon, Knight,
Brewer, Lee,
Cooper, Lawrence,
Duke, McCulloh,
Dennis, Newcomer,
Freeman, Phelps,
Ford, Stevens,
Getty, Suit,
Gorman, Walsh—23.
Said bill was then sent to the House of Delegates.
On motion ty Mr. Walsh, it was
Ordered, That when the Senate adjourns, it shall adjourn
until to-morrow, Wednesday morning, 10 o'clock. '
Mr. Joyce submitted the following:
WHEREAS, Doubt exists as to the propriety of any person
holding office either by appointment or election under the
government of Maryland, accepting or using any free pass on
any railroad, steamboat, or other vessel or vehicle, either for
one year or a fractional part thereof.
AND WHEREAS, It has become the common practice for most,
if not all the officers of the State government, including the
Chief Executive as well as the members of the General Assem-
bly, to accept and use to their pecuniary and personal benefit,
such free passes and free transportation, contrary to good
policy, ana against the best interests of the general public.
Therefore, Be it Resolved by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That from and after the passage of these resolutions it
shall be unlawful for any person or persons (having authority)
to issue free passes or permits for free travel for one year, or
the fractional part, to any officer of the State government, as
before referred to in the preamble, for use on any railroad,
steamboat, or other vehicle used in the public passenger car-
rying trade, this not, however, to preclude the acceptance of
such courtesies by officers of the respective corporations to
which they may belong.
And be it further resolved, That the acceptance or use by
any officer of the State government as before mentioned, of